Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Feeling sick

There won't be huge breakthroughs in the world of blogging for me this week.

I seem to have caught a sinus infection.  It came over me Monday night and I was quite concerned that I was getting sick.  By Tuesday morning I woke up with that distinct sore throat the occurs from post nasal drip.  ewww!

I went to work and suffered through, my nose actually filling more as the day wore on, not less.  By last night I was good for only lounging on the sofa and trying to feel better.  My husband even reports that last night in my sleep my nose was making terrible sounds!  LOL!

As a rule, colds are a virus, and they must pass on their own.   There are a few things we can do to help our body fight the virus and make ourselves more comfortable in the process.

1. Liquids

You must be sure to keep your liquids up.  Get clear water or clear tea, a good 5 glasses a day if you can.

2. Cold FX and/or Vitamin C

If you are concerned about a cold take Cold FX or Airborne to fight off the virus before it takes hold of you.  Vitamin C during a cold and year round is great for you.  Vitamin C is also a water soluble vitamin, so it is almost not possible to overdose on this.  You can take elevated amounts during a cold very safely.

3. Nasal Spray / cold Medicines


Over the counter medicine will ease the symptoms.  It won't really make the cold go away faster, but it can provide a bit of relief.

4. Chicken Soup

The magic of the soup is that it further hydrates you and serves as an anti-inflamatory.  Cream based soups will not serve this purpose as well as a clear broth soup, but whatever form you like it....get your soup on!

5. Add some personal comfort.

Snuggle up in bed or on the sofa with a blanket and your soup and tea, and some tissues.  Respect the time your body needs to re-coup.  Take it easy at home and make sure you get some good night's sleep.  In a little while you'll be back to your old self.

Now, in light of all that.....I am plugged up in the head, and it brings on a certain level of fatigue.  I will check in with all my friends in the blog world this week, but between my job and recovery from a cold, all the other projects will just have to wait.

Thanks for reading,


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