Thanks so much for taking time to read my blog.
This blog is for people who want to be organized, and can see how it will help them, but they have struggled to do so.
Some people are just born with the personality that things in their life seemingly click together.
Others of us are not that way. We come from families that perhaps didn't have the routines and systems and thinking in place that creates the organization that is needed in life. Then we find ourselves struggling with organizing and routines, even after we've long since grown up, and can't exactly blame our family of origin for this anymore.
I come from the latter group. I am actually VERY good at organizing when I decide to. I love things to look nice, and be de-cluttered and ready for use. I have had times of great success in getting organized, and times where I have fallen behind again.
Recently, I decided that I just don't want this struggle anymore, and I am going to take very active steps to do something about it.
Will you join my on this daily journey, as I Make my Life Organized, so can you!
5 Fun things about me.....
1. I LOVE ANIMALS. My voice gushes and goes in this funny tone about the cute critters I see, and I never met a critter I didn't like!
2. I CAN'T STAND the soapy drippy splashes that happen at the base of the kitchen tap. I am forever polishing my kitchen tap after I use it, or anyone else uses it. I see those drip marks on the stainless steel, and it makes me crazy.
3. I LOVE toffee. I go weak at the knees for the stuff.
4. I am a total FOODIE. My husband and I go on these "food kicks" and continue to explore cuisines of the world.
5. I have lived in the same area of my city for most of my life. We moved there when I was 6. I moved away for only a couple of years as a newlywed, and then together we moved back to the same neighbourhood I had left home from.
Thanks for taking a few minutes to get to know me. I'd love to hear from you. Feel free to contact me and share your experiences too as you MAKE YOUR LIFE ORGANIZED.
Ive heard that rubbing a dryer sheet on the faucet will stop it from getting water marks? I haven't tried it, but it might be worth a shot