Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Beauty Secret

We ladies never stop working at our beauty.  Each of us has our own look and our own expression.
I have a tip I thought I'd share with you that applies to us all.

I have an extended family member who is 79 now, and she could pass for about 20 years younger than she is.  She keeps her weight in check and eats sensibly of course, but her skin... She can still wear shorts that end near the top of her thigh, and her legs aren't all wrinkled like a raisin.  Her face still looks smooth.
Last year I asked her what fountain of youth she is drinking from because she just looks so good.  I'll tell you her secret.

Everyday after her shower she covers herself head to toe in moisture lotion.

It's that simple.

You can organize your time around this easily.  It will only take 3-5 minutes after your bath or shower to apply this simple beauty secret to your regime.  I have been doing this for the last year, and I can't imagine ever stopping now.

Here is my collection.

 I have 5, count 'em, 5 different fragrances of lotion to choose from.  I tell my friends and family that I am into the lotion thing, and I get it as birthday and Christmas gifts.  I don't even have to buy my own!
I seem to have a steady flow of the stuff arriving in the form of gifts.

If you are like the average woman I have met, chances are you have lotion in the house.  It might be a big pump dispenser type, or some of these smaller gift type bottles, but I'll bet you have some.  Try this out on your next shower.  If you stick with it for a few weeks, you'll really notice how good it feels.
In a very short time you'll wonder how you ever skipped this in your shower routine.

Organize an extra 5 minutes into your shower routine to allow for this most important of beauty secrets.
You'll be glad you did.
Thanks for reading.


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  1. I dropped by from Women Living Well, even though I didn't link there! :-)

    I love this hint and your site. I am going to start using lotion all over, not just hands.

    I am following by e-mail and I can't wait to explore your site, especially anything having to do with organization!


  2. Hi Mary,
    Thank you so much for reading my blog and for your comments.
    There will be more organizing tips and projects to come, for sure!
    Take Care,

  3. This is something I've been trying to remember to do. And also drink water. Hydrate from the inside AND outside. :)

  4. Hi Jenni,
    You are absolutely correct! Water is so important. Thanks for the reminder.


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