Thursday, July 26, 2012

Morning Routine

Do you have a morning routine?

I follow a blog called Flylady.  Anyone pursuing organization will likely have stumbled onto her site.
Flylady always says that our routines keep us on track.

I submit to you that this is entirely true.  Do you have a morning routine?
A routine is a series of activities that you do, often in a similar or same order to complete tasks that need to be done on a regular basis.
A system is something that you put into place that will hold up, even when the routine isn't there.  A filing system for example, remains in tact whether you are on your routine or not.  In a time of crisis, you would still be able to find what you had filed because it was filed in a system. (hint** systems work for clothing, food, books etc.  If you manage your systems, your routines will be a snap to do!)
Spontaneitey is the unplanned moments and inspirations that bring us creativity and refreshment.  You will find spontaneity comes more often if you stick to routines and systems because it will free you up for other things in life.

What is your morning routine?  Here is an example:
1. 10 min, prayer and Bible reading
2. Make Bed
3. Shower/get dressed
4. Walk Dog (or put outside to use washroom - if you have a dog that is!)
5. Feed pets
6. Make lunches
7. Empty dishwasher and put away all dishes
8. Pull meat from freezer for dinner (check your pre-written menu)
9. Leave kitchen tidy
10. If your living arrangement permits, put in a load of laundry.  I have to wait until after work to do mine.

This might sound like basic stuff, but if you are not naturally organized, then you will be able to relate to the following scenario:

"I woke up and had some extra time.  The house is quiet and it feels so good to have an early start to my day.  I think I'll just sit with my coffee and say my prayers.
Next I think I'll check that book/magazine I was looking at....IT'S SO EARLY, I STILL HAVE LOTS OF TIME.
Oh!...time is getting on, I should make my lunch and the kids lunch too...
What am I going to wear?  let's see....what doesn't need ironing....don't want to take time to iron....
Text coming in!  It's my hubby!  text, text, text (how has 10 minutes slipped by?) text, text, get dressed, text, text, brush teeth, etc.
What!!!!!?????!!!!  I have only 10 minutes left to get to work!  ahhhhhh!  I still have to feed the pets, and pull meat from the freezer, and I had wanted to leave all the breakfast dishes put away.  How has this happened again!??"

Okay, this is an abbreviated version, but this is the sort of thing that happens when we don't establish evening and morning routines and stick to them.  When I look at where my trouble starts, it usually stems back to what I did or did not do with my routine and calendar the night before, and if I let myself get disracted in the morning, I find myself rushing to work with no make-up, meat left in freezer and the kitchen with all evidence of breakfast, and perhaps the dishwasher still full of last night's clean dishes.

If you don't have a morning routine, this is a great place to start.
1. make a list of what you need to accomplish every morning.
2. Re-evaluate if this list is realistic, or are you trying to do too much before work/school?  If it's unrealistic or full of unnescessary things, you won't stick to it.
3. Write up a list to follow.  I use the task list in iCal.  Any method that you are comfortable with will do.  I sync my smartphone to my calendar, and then morning and evening routines are on my phone too.
4. Start to follow your routine.  You will probably have it memorized in only a few days, but it's still great to check back with your list.  I love the "check mark" that I finished a task.  I need that feeling of accomplishment.
5. DON'T GET DISTRACTED.  You already know there will be days that your routine gets bumped by life, don't allow yourself to get distracted by internet, books, phones, texing etc.  Sometimes I text my hubby and tell him its a busy morning and I'll call soon.

You will feel great when you leave for work/school or be ready for your day at home and you know your morning routine is done and you're ready for the day.

Happy Organizing,


  1. This was just what I needed to motivate me to get up and organised. Thank you!

    1. Thanks so much for sharing. Our effort to maintain organization and do well is a life long habit. Always talk to yourself with kind words and concentrate on your wins and you will be motivated to do more.


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