Friday, July 27, 2012

Day Off

I have a day off work today. Yay!
We have a summer hours program that we work a few extra hours, and then each staff person participating gets 4 Fridays off over the summer.  Today is one of mine!

Here is what I wake up to after a nice little sleep in bed:

Her name is Bonnie.  She is one of our pets.  We have a dog and 2 cats who all came to live with us one at a time for various reasons.  It's a lot of pets, which means a lot of sweeping and vacuuming, but it is what it is.  We love these critters so much.  When you get a day off though, the pets sense this, and it can feel like you are running a nursery.  They all gather round and want attention, and in and out of the house.

Of Course....sometimes they just ignore you too! LOL!

What do you do with a day off?  After you manage all the pets and kids - if you have these?

Remember those of us not "born organized" must pace ourselves.  Do you get a free day and then realize you have a list of what you hope to accomplish that is too big?  In fact, when you really look at the list of what you want to do, you need a week off, or even a month? ha ha!

I have learned when planning my days off to listen to that unsettled feeling I get when I am making my ambitious "to do" list and somehow even I know that I'd need a staff of people to complete the list.  

Steps to a good day off:

1. Plan your day.  What do you want to do on your day off?
2. Reduce your list to be realistic.  Most things take longer than we expect, and on days off you have to allow all the more for unexpected times.  (such as pets.  ha ha!)
3. Do the responsibilities you have planned in your day first.
4. Give your "play" time priority when the time comes.
5. Relax and enjoy every moment.
6. If something doesn't get done, transfer it on your calendar to another time.

My day off:

My day off involves shopping!  Yes, these shoes are going out!
I had a nice sleep in, which I don't often do.
I will do some chores this morning and a bit of paperwork.
This afternoon I am hitting the stores.  I am looking for some paint and wall paper items at a super discounted price.  I'll let you know what happens.

Remember, we organize every day.  We are constantly organizing our days, calendars, work spaces, homes, etc etc.  Just remember to keep those days off at a realistic pace.  Before you know it you'll have a day off again!

Happy organizing.


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