Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Organized Drawer

Organized Drawer

This is my first entry into this blog.  I will post again about the heart of this journey to organized that each of us is part of every day.
An organized utensil drawer can make your daily kitchen function so much nicer.  When you open the drawer and its not overcrowded with items that don't belong in there, you can find what you need quickly and easily.  Your belongings can be organized so that they serve your needs. An organized drawer like this is easy to do.
This utensil organizer was purchased at IKEA about 5 years ago, and its still in excellent condition.  I love the way it fits my kitchen drawer perfectly, with no wasted space.  Each little divider provides space to organize utensils for ease of use.
You'll notice that I still have plastic cutlery at the back of the drawer, even though my kids are both teens now.  I still use these plastic cutleries.  I send the forks in school lunches, because they are sturdier than disposable plastic forks, and because they have already had a good life in our home, I really don't worry if they get lost.  The plastic knives are PERFECT for cutting my brownies in my no-stick bake pans, and they never scratch the finish of the pan.  Who knew that inexpensive plastic-ware would become so versatile over the years!  The rest of the drawer holds dessert forks, cheese spreaders, serving spoons, chopsticks, scissors and the little jars are what we send salad dressing in our lunches at school and work.
So there it is... our utensil drawer.  I love when things are arranged nicely.
Happy organizing! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cassie! Good job! Wish I could do the same! I've got lots of stuff that need culling! I have lots of plastic boxes full of fabric for projects too! Patsy from
    HeARTworks and


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