Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Organized Linens

It was time to re-organize the linen closet. I wish I had remembered to take a before picture. It was pretty crowded in there.

The next steps for the linen closet pictures you see will be to add a nice wallpaper backing to the back wall, and a fresh coat of paint. I plan to add shelf paper to the shelves too. This will make this space bright and pretty.

Organizing and decorating are not the same thing. This project was about organizing the space. In the near future I will add the decorative touches I described.

Here is the linen closet.

The top shelf.  Blankets moved to a new location.  Sheets folded extra nice, with matching pillowcases wrapped around each set.

Next is the shelf that holds tablecloths, spare pillow cases, wash cloths and hand towels.

The shelf after that is our towels.  This shelf is more full when all the laundry is back from the dryer. Our daily towels aren't all in perfect sets, but remember its about organizing to have your belongings serve you and your family.  It's ok if they aren't all a perfect set.

The last shelf is to keep toilet paper and tissue handy, and of course, as stool so I can quickly and easily reach that top shelf!

1. De-clutter any items that you no longer use.
2. If your linen closet is small like mine, move bulky items you don't need on a regular basis to another closet or storage space.
3. Put like items together.  
4. Fold it all nice and neat.
5. When ready - add decorative touches such as shelf paper, wall paper & paint.

Happy Organizing!



  1. What a nice, neat blog, and blog post! I struggle with this and look forward to your tips! Plus they are short and neat. I like that (course I am messy and rambling but that's another story!)
    Well done! IN His Grace, Dawn

  2. Thanks so much for your reply.
    You will notice from my post late in the day yesterday that I let the work on the blog distract me too. LOL!
    We all need to celebrate our small wins. The tidy drawers, the calendar date we didn't miss. Then we return to our routines when distractions have derailed us. And... the ant moves the hill one grain of sand at a time. For us, its one drawer, one cupboard, one calendar event etc at a time.
    Blessings to you - Cassie


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